Senin, 13 Oktober 2014

Introducing Cloud Computing

What the reader will learn:
      That ‘cloud computing’ is a relatively new term, and it is important to clearly de fi ne what we mean
      Cloud computing is a new delivery model for IT but that it uses established IT resources
      That the concept of abstraction is critical to the implementation of cloud architectures

Businesses will adopt cloud computing because it offers fi n ancial benefi t s and business agility, not because the technology is inherently ‘better’
1.1             What Is Cloud Computing?
 Everybody seems to be talking about cloud computing. As technology trends go, cloud computing is generating a lot of interest, and along with that interest is a share of hype as well. The aim of this book is to provide you with a sophisticated understanding of what cloud computing is and where it can offer real business advantage. We shall be examining cloud computing from historical, theoretical and practical perspectives, so that you will know  what to use, in  which situation, and  when it will be most appropriate.
 So  fi rst of all, just what is cloud computing? This isn’t such a silly question. That many things now attract the cloud computing badge, that it is dif fi cult to understand what cloud actually means.
I n a nutshell, cloud computing is a means by which computational power, storage, collaboration infrastructure, business processes and applications can be delivered as a utility, that is, a service or collection of services that meet your demands. Since services offered by cloud are akin to a utility, it also means that you only pay for what you use. If you need extra processing power quickly, it is available for use in an instant. When you’ve fi n ished with the extra power and revert back to your nominal usage, you will only be billed for the short time that you needed the extra boost. So you don’t need to invest in a lot of hardware to cater for your peak usage, accepting that for most of the time it will be underutilised. This aspect of the cloud is referred to as  elasticity and is an extremely important concept within cloud computing.
T hat’s the short answer and not necessarily the key to becoming an expert in cloud computing; for some extra information, read on. To understand what makes a cloud different from other established models of computing, we shall need to consider the conceptual basis of computing as a utility and how technology has evolved to date.

1.2            Utility Computing

 Utility computing was discussed by John McCarthy in the 1960s whilst working at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (McCarthy  1983),  and the concept was thoroughly expanded by Douglas Parkhill in 1966 (The Challenge of the Computing Utility, Parkhill  1966).  Parkhill examined the nature of utilities such as water, natural gas and electricity in the way they are provided to create an understanding of the characteristics that computing would require if it was truly a utility. When we consider electricity supply, for example, in the developed world, we tend to take it for granted that the actual electrical power will be available in our dwellings. To access it, we plug our devices into wall sockets and draw the power we need. Every so often we are billed by the electricity supply company, and we pay for what we have used. In the summer time, the daylight hours are longer and we place less demand on devices that provide lighting, hot water or space heating. During the winter months, we use electric lighting and space heating more, and therefore, we expect our bills to re fl ect the extra usage we make of the utility. Additionally, we do not expect the electricity to ‘run out’; unless there is a power cut, there should be a never-ending supply of electricity.
 So the same goes for computing resources as a utility. We should expect the resource to be available where we want, by plugging into or by accessing a network. The resource should cater for our needs, as our needs vary, and it should appear to be a limitless supply. Finally, we expect to pay only for what we use. We tend to consider the provision of utilities as services.

1.3            Service Orientation

T he term  service orientation refers to the clear demarcation of a function that operates to satisfy a particular goal. For instance, businesses are composed of many discrete services that should sustainably deliver value to customers now and in the future. Utility companies offer their services in the form of energy supply, billing and perhaps, as energy conservation becomes more widespread, services that support a customer’s attempt to reduce their energy consumption. The services that are offered to the consumer are likely to be aggregations of much fi n er-grained services that operate internally to the business. It is this concept of  abstraction,
1.3    Service Orientation
combined with object-oriented principles such as  encapsulation and  cohesion, that helps de fi ne services within an organisation.
 Service-oriented architecture (SOA) utilises the principle of service orientation to organise the overall technology architecture of an enterprise. This means that technology is selected, specifi e d and integrated to support an architectural model that is speci fi ed as a set of services. Such an approach results in technologically unique architectures for each enterprise, in order to realise the best possible chance of supporting the services that the business requires. However, whilst the overall architecture may appear bespoke, the underlying services are discrete and often reusable and therefore may be shared even between organisations. For instance, the processing of payroll information is common to most enterprises of a certain size and is a common choice for service outsourcing to third-party suppliers.
 From an organisation’s perspective, SOA has some key advantages:
      The adoption of the principles of service orientation enables commonly utilised functionality to be reused, which signifi c antly simplifi e s the addition of new functionality, since a large portion of the existing code base is already present. Additionally, the emergence of standard protocols for service description and invocation means that the actual service is abstracted away from the implementation program code, so it doesn’t matter if the constituent parts of a newly composed service are implemented in different ways, as long as their speci fic ation conforms to a commonly declared interface contract.
      Changes in business demand that require new services to be speci fi ed can be accommodated much easier, and it is quicker to react to business market forces. This means that an SOA is much more fl e et of foot, enabling new business opportunities to be explored quickly with less cost.
      The abstraction of service also facilitates consideration of the enterprise’s performance at the process level; quality of service (QoS), lead times and defect rates become more obvious measures to observe and therefore targets to specify, since the underlying complexity is shrouded behind a service declaration.
      Tighter integration along value chains is enabled, as a particular functionality can be made available as a service between an enterprise and its satellite suppliers. A supplier may deal with several business customers, and it might not be practical to adopt a number of different systems to integrate with. SOA simpli fi es this by the publication of services that suppliers can ‘hook into’ with their own systems. This has the added advantage that any changes to a customer’s system are encapsulated behind the service description, and therefore, no other modifi c ations will be required from those that consume that service.
S ervice orientation and its architectural model SOA are key concepts for the realisation of utility computing. Now, we shall consider some technological developments that can support this realisation. Later, in Chap. 5  , we shall encounter SOA again, where you will be building a Google App as an exemplar use of web services.

1.4            Grid Computing

 Grid computing emerged in the 1990s, as Ian Foster and Carl Kesselman suggested that access to compute resources should be the same as connecting to a power grid to obtain electricity (Foster and Kesselman  1999).  The need for this was simple: Supercomputers that could process large data sets were prohibitively expensive for many areas of research. As an alternative, the connection and coordination of many separate personal computers (PC) as a grid would facilitate the scaling up of computational resources under the guise of a virtual organisation (VO). Each user of the VO, by being connected to the grid, had access to computational resources far greater than they owned, enabling larger scientifi c  experiments to be conducted by spreading the load across multiple machines. Figure  1.1 gives a brief overview of a grid architecture. A number of separate compute and storage resources are interconnected and managed by a resource that schedules computational jobs across the grid. The collective compute resource is then connected to the Internet via a gateway. Consumers of the grid resource then access the grid by connecting to the Internet.
A s network speeds and storage space have increased over the years, there has been a greater amount of redundant computational resource that lays idle. Projects such as the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI@HOME,  http://setiathome. ) have made use of this by scavenging processing cycles from PCs that are either doing nothing or have low demands placed upon them. If we consider how computer processors have developed in a relatively short time span, and then we look at the actual utilisation of such computational power, particularly in the of fi ce desktop environment, there are a lot of processor cycles going spare. These machines are not always used during the night or at lunch breaks, but they are often left switched on and connected to a network infrastructure. Grid computing can harness this wastage and put it to some prede fi ned, productive use.
O ne characteristic of grid computing is that the software that manages a grid should enable the grid to be formed quickly and be tolerant of individual machines (or nodes) leaving at will. If you are scavenging processor cycles from someone
1.5    Hardware Virtualisation
else’s PC, you have to be prepared for them turning their machine off without prior warning. The rapid setup is required so that a grid can be assembled to solve a particular problem. This has tended to support scienti fi c applications, where some heavy analysis is required for a data set over a short period, and then it is back to normal with the existing resources when the analysis is done. Collaboration and contribution from participants has been generally on a voluntary basis, which is often the basis of shared ventures in a research environment.
 Whilst grid computing has started to realise the emergence of computing resources as a utility, two signi fi cant challenges have hindered its uptake outside of research. Firstly, the ad hoc, self-governing nature of grids has meant that it is dif fi cult to isolate the effect of poorly performing nodes on the rest of the grid. This might occur if a node cannot process a job at a suitable rate or a node keeps leaving the grid before a batch job is completed. Secondly, the connection of many machines together brings with it a heterogeneous collection of software, operating systems and con fi gurations that cannot realistically be considered by the grid software developer. Thus, grid applications tend to lack portability, since they are written with a speci fi c infrastructure in mind.

1.5             Hardware Virtualisation

 Hardware virtualisation is a developing technology that is exploiting the continued increase in processor power, enabling ‘virtual’ instances of hardware to execute on disparate physical infrastructure. This technology has permitted organisations such as data centres to improve the utilisation and management of their own resources by building virtual layers of hardware across the numerous physical machines that they own. The virtualisation layer allows data centre management to create and instantiate new instances of virtual hardware irrespective of the devices running underneath it. Conversely, new hardware can be added to the pool of resource and commissioned without affecting the virtualised layer, except in terms of the additional computational power/storage/memory capability that is being made available. Figure  1.2 illustrates the key parts of a virtualised architecture. Working from the physical hardware layer upwards,  fi rstly there is a hypervisor. The role of the hypervisor is to provide a means by which virtual machines can access and communicate with the hardware layer, without installing an operating system. On top of the hypervisor,  virtual machines (VM) are installed. Each VM appears to function as a discrete computational resource, even though it does not physically exist. A host  operating system (OS) is installed upon each VM, thus enabling traditional computing applications to be built on top of the OS.
 Virtualisation offers three key advantages for data centre management. Firstly, applications can be con fi ned to a particular virtual machine (VM) appliance, which increases security and isolates any detrimental effect of poor performance on the rest of the data centre. Secondly, the consolidation of disparate platforms onto a uni fi ed hardware layer means that physical utilisation can be better managed, leading to increased energy effi c iency. Thirdly, virtualisation allows guest operating systems Fig. 1.2 Virtualisation overview to be stored as snapshots to retain any bespoke confi g uration settings, which allows images to be restored rapidly in the event of a disaster. This feature also facilitates the user capture of provenance data so that particular situations can be realistically recreated for forensic investigation purposes or to recreate a speci fi c experimental environment. Virtualisation is discussed in more detail in Chap.  4 .

1.6             Autonomic Computing

A s computing technology becomes more complex, there is a corresponding desire to delegate as much management as possible to automated systems.  Autonomic computing attempts to specify behaviours that enable the self-management of systems. Self-con fi guration, self-healing, self-optimising and self-protection (otherwise known as self-CHOP) are the four principles defi n ed by IBM’s autonomic computing initiative (IBM Research  2012).  If we consider the cloud computing concept of elasticity, we can see that to obtain the ‘resource-on-demand’ feature will require a variety of computational resources to be confi g ured and, once running, optimised for performance.
I f we now consider a grid architecture as a computational resource, then the operations described above will need to take into account some more aspects particular to the technologies involved, including disparate and heterogeneous hardware and software standards. Finally, if we add to the mix hardware virtualisation, there will be a requirement to instantiate and migrate virtual machines (VM) across disparate hardware, dynamically as demand dictates. Such is the complexity of myriad physical and virtualised hardware architectures and software components, that it is essential that this management is automated if true, seamless elasticity is to be realised.
W e have now explored the key concepts and technologies that have shaped the emergence of cloud computing, so we shall now explore a more formal defi n ition and observe how this informs the present description of cloud computing architectures.
1.7     Cloud Computing: A Definition

1.7             Cloud Computing: A De fi nition

 It won’t take you long to  fi nd a number of ‘de fi nitions’ of cloud computing. The World Wide Web is awash with attempts to capture the essence of distributed, elastic computing that is available as a utility. There appears to be some stabilisation occurring with regard to an accepted defi n ition, and for the purposes of this book, we’ll be persevering with that offered by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST):
Cloud computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of confi g urable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction. This cloud model is composed of  fi ve essential characteristics, three service models, and four deployment models.
 The essential characteristics that NIST’s de fi nition refers to are as follows:
      On-demand self-service. Traditionally, hosted computing has enabled consumers to outsource the provision of IT infrastructure, such as data storage, so that hardware purchases could be minimised. However, whilst these solutions allowed customers to increase the storage available without purchasing any extra hardware, the request for data storage was typically an order that was fulfi l led some time later. The time lag between request and actual availability meant that such increases had to be planned for and could not be depended upon as a reactive resource. Cloud computing should incorporate suffi c ient agility and autonomy, that requests for more resource are automatically and dynamically provisioned in real time, without human intervention.
      Broad network access. As a utility, cloud computing resources must be available over networks such as the Internet, using established mechanisms and standard protocols. Access devices can include (though are not limited to) personal computers, portable computers, mobile phones and tablet devices.
      Resource pooling. This characteristic brings together aspects of grid computing (where multiple compute resources are connected together in a coordinated way) and hardware virtualisation. The virtualised layer enables the resources of a cloud computing provider to be pooled together into one large virtual resource, enabling large-scale ef fi ciencies to be achieved by the dynamic management of hardware and virtualised resources. This results in the appearance of homogenous resources to the consumer, without indicating the physical location or granularity of that resource.
      Rapid elasticity. Requests for extra resource are self-managed and automatic in relation to demand. From the consumer’s perspective, the supply of compute resources is limitless.
      Measured service. In the same way that energy usage can be monitored, controlled and reported, cloud computing resource providers dynamically optimise the underlying infrastructure and provide a transparent metering service at a level of abstraction that is relevant to the consumer.
 One theme that is emerging here is that of abstraction; the characteristics above are reliant upon a fundamental architecture of hardware resources that are discrete and varied, upon which there is an abstraction layer of software that realises the characteristics of cloud computing. The physical hardware resource layer includes processor, storage and networking components, and the abstraction layer consists of at least a self-managed virtualisation infrastructure.

1.8              Cloud Computing Service Models

O                    f course, in cloud-speak we refer to services, and there are three categories of service model described by NIST as illustrated in Fig.  1.3.  Working from the physical layer upwards, the  fi rst service model layer is known as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).
 IaaS is usually the lowest level service available to a cloud computing consumer and provides controlled access to a virtual infrastructure upon which operating systems and application software can be deployed. This can be seen as a natural extension of an existing hardware provision, without the hassle and expense of buying and managing the hardware. As such, there is no control over the physical hardware, but the consumer retains control over operating system parameters and some aspects of security. There is a trend emerging for ‘bare metal’ services, where access to the hardware at its most basic is provided, but this is more akin to traditional data centre or ‘hosting’ services. For the majority of potential cloud consumers, there is a desire to move away from as much of the detail as possible and therefore progress upwards through the cloud service model stack.
P                     latform as a Service (PaaS) sits atop IaaS. This layer is ready for applications to be deployed, as the necessary operating system and platform-related tools such as language compilers are already installed and managed by the cloud computing provider. Consumers may be able to extend the existing tool set by installing their own tools, but absolute control of the infrastructure is still retained by the provider. Thus, the consumer has control over application development, deployment and confi g uration, within the confi n es of the hosted environment. This situation has most in common with traditional web hosting, where consumers rented remote servers that had existing
1.9     Cloud Computing Deployment Models
development platforms installed upon them. The key difference with cloud computing in this case, however, is the rapid provisioning or elasticity; classic web hosting relied upon manual management of provisioning and therefore required human intervention if demand increased or decreased.
 Finally (for the NIST de fi nition), there is Software as a Service (SaaS). This service model abstracts the consumer away from any infrastructure or platform level detail by concentrating upon the application level. Applications are available via thin client interfaces such as internet browsers or program interfaces such as mobile phone apps. Google’s Gmail is one popular example of a cloud computing application. An organisation can adopt Gmail and never concern itself with hardware maintenance, uptime, security patching or even infrastructure management. The consumer can control parameters within the software to con fi gure speci fi c aspects, but such interventions are managed through the interface of the application. The end user gets an email service and does not worry as to how it is provided.
S o far, we have described the essential characteristics of cloud computing and then three different service models. As the abstraction concept develops, consumers are fi n ding new ways of using cloud computing to leverage business advantage through the creation of a Business Process as a Service model (BPaaS). Strictly speaking, this sits within SaaS and is not a fourth layer which would fall outside of the NIST defi n ition. We shall revisit this service model later in Chap.  4,  so for the time being, we shall consider the models by which cloud computing can be deployed.

1.9              Cloud Computing Deployment Models

A   public cloud, as its name implies, is available to the general public and is managed by an organisation. The organisation may be a business (such as Google), academic or a governmental department. The cloud computing provider owns and manages the cloud infrastructure. The existence of many different consumers within one cloud architecture is referred to as a multi-tenancy model.
C onversely, a  private cloud has an exclusive purpose for a particular organisation. The cloud resources may be located on or off premise and could be owned and managed by the consuming organisation or a third party. This may be an example of an organisation who has decided to adopt the infrastructure cost-saving potential of a virtualised architecture on top of existing hardware. The organisation feels unable to remotely host their data, so they are looking to the cloud to improve their resource utilisation and automate the management of such resources. Alternatively an organisation may wish to extend its current IT capability by using an exclusive, private cloud that is remotely accessible and provisioned by a third party. Such an organisation may feel uncomfortable with their data being held alongside a potential competitor’s data in the multi-tenancy model.
Community clouds are a model of cloud computing where the resources exist for a number of parties who have a shared interest or cause. This model is very similar to the single-purpose grids that collaborating research and academic organisations have created to conduct large-scale scientifi c  experiments (e-science). The cloud is owned and managed by one or more of the collaborators in the community, and it may exist either on or off premise.
Hybrid clouds are formed when more than one type of cloud infrastructure is utilised for a particular situation. For instance, an organisation may utilise a public cloud for some aspect of its business, yet also have a private cloud on premise for data that is sensitive. As organisations start to exploit cloud service models, it is increasingly likely that a hybrid model is adopted as the specifi c  characteristics of each of the different service models are harnessed. The key enabler here is the open standards by which data and applications are implemented, since if portability does not exist, then vendor lock-in to a particular cloud computing provider becomes likely. Lack of data and application portability has been a major hindrance for the widespread uptake of grid computing, and this is one aspect of cloud computing that can facilitate much more fl e xible, abstract architectures.
 At this point, you should now have a general understanding of the key concepts of cloud computing and be able to apply this knowledge to a number of common use cases in order to hypothesise as to whether a particular cloud service model might be appropriate. The next part of this chapter will dig a bit deeper into the deployment models and explore some  fi ner-grained challenges and opportunities that cloud computing presents.

1.10          A Quick Recap

B efore we proceed, let us just quickly summarise what we understand by cloud computing:
      It’s a model of computing that abstracts us away from the detail. We can have broad network access to computing resources without the hassle of owning and maintaining them.
      Cloud computing providers pool resources together and offer them as a utility. Through the use of hardware virtualisation and autonomic computing technologies, the consumer sees one homogenous, ‘unlimited’ supply of compute resource.
      Computing resources can be offered at different levels of abstraction, according to requirements. Consumers can work at infrastructure level (IaaS) and manage operating systems on virtualised hardware, at platform level (PaaS) using the operating systems and development environments provided, or at application level (SaaS), where specifi c  applications are offered by the provider to be con fi gured by the consumer.
      Cloud computing provides metered usage of the resource so that consumers pay only for what they use. When the demand for more computing resource goes up, the bill increases. When the demand falls, the bill reduces accordingly.
      Cloud computing can be deployed publicly in a multi-tenancy model (public cloud), privately for an individual organisation (private cloud ), across a community
1.11   Beyond the Three Service Models
of consumers with a shared interest (community cloud), or a mixture of two or more models (hybrid cloud).

1.11           Beyond the Three Service Models

T he explanations and discussions so far have allowed us to gain a broad understanding of cloud computing. However, like most things in life, it isn’t that simple. When chief executive of fi cers declare that an organisation will embrace ‘the cloud’, the chief information offi c er (CIO) may be less enthusiastic. We shall now consider more deeply some of the business drivers and service models for cloud adoption and explore the issues that these drivers can present.

1.11.1 The Business Perspective

L arge IT vendors have realised for some time that new technology is sold most successfully on its ability to improve pro fi tability. Grid computing and serviceoriented architecture (SOA) are two relatively recent examples. Grid computing has demonstrated massive bene fi ts when disparate compute resources are harnessed together to do supercomputing on the cheap. The problem was that the software and protocols that made these large distributed systems perform were inaccessible to those outside of the grid community. Vendors such as IBM and Oracle have both attempted to sell the advantages to business of grid computing, but the lack of realisation of the concept of utility (which informed the selection of the name ‘grid’) has meant that insuf fi cient consumers were interested and the ultimate bene fi ts could not be enjoyed.
 SOA has had a similar ‘reduce your business costs’ drive over the years, with many organisations reporting an overall increase in expenditure after the costs of migrating to SOA have been accounted for. So what is different about cloud computing?
 One of the attractions of cloud computing is the rapid provisioning of new compute resources without capital expenditure. If the marketing director makes claims about a new market niche, then it is much more cost-effective to experiment with new products and services, since cloud computing removes traditional barriers such as raising capital funds, lengthy procurement procedures and human resource investment. Also, if cloud computing is already part of the organisation’s IT infrastructure, then new requests merely become additional demands upon the systems, rather than designing and specifying new systems from scratch. Business agility is therefore one key driver for the adoption of cloud computing.
T he other key business driver is the potential reduction in ongoing capital  expenditure costs afforded by cloud computing. As the use of IT becomes more sophisticated, greater demands are placed upon IT fundamentals such as data storage, and if the requirements fl u ctuate signifi c antly, the pay-per-use model of cloud computing can realise operational savings beyond the costs of the potential extra hardware requirement.
1.12          When Can the Service Models Help?

1.12.1 Infrastructure as a Service

A s described earlier, IaaS is about servers, networking and storage delivered as a service. These resources will actually be virtualised, though the consumer wouldn’t know any different. The resources may come with or without an operating system. IaaS is a form of computing rental where the billing is related to actual usage, rather than ownership of a discrete number of servers. When the consumer wants more ‘grunt’, the IaaS management software dynamically provisions more resources as required. Typically, there will be an agreed limit between the consumer and the provider, beyond which further authorisation is required to continue scaling upwards (and thus incur extra cost). IaaS is particularly suited to organisations who want to retain control over the whole platform and software stack and who need extra infrastructure quickly and cheaply. For instance, the research and development department of an organisation may have speci fi c applications that run on optimised platforms. Sporadically, applications are required to process massive data sets. Using a cloud, it would cost the same to have 500 processors run for 1 hour, as it does to run 1 processor for 500 hours, so the research unit opts for speed without having to invest in hardware that would be nominally underutilised.

1.12.2 Platform as a Service

P aaS has parallels with web hosting, in that it is a complete set of software that enables the complete application development life cycle within a cloud. This includes the tools for development and testing as well as the actual execution environment. As with IaaS, the resources are dynamically scaled, and for the most part, this is handled transparently by the cloud provider without making any extra demands upon the developer. For specialist applications that require low-level optimisation, either IaaS or a private cloud is more suitable. One of the potential drawbacks of PaaS is lack of portability and therefore vendor lock-in, as you are developing applications with the tool sets that are supplied by the cloud provider. If, at a later date, you would like to move provider or you want to use another cloud service concurrently, there may be a substantial effort required to port your application across to another vendor’s cloud platform. PaaS is a good option if your existing application’s development environment is matched by that of a cloud provider or if you would like to experiment with new products and services that can be rapidly composed from pre-existing services that are provided by the platform.
1.12   When Can the Service Models Help?

1.12.3 Software as a Service

I n some ways, SaaS is the easiest way into cloud computing. You see some software and you try it out for a limited time. If you like it, you continue and start paying to use it, otherwise you look for something else. The software automatically scales to the number of users you have (but you don’t notice this), and your data is backed up. You will probably have to invest a bit of time in getting your existing data into the application, and any tweaks to existing systems that you have may also require some work to get them to connect to your new cloud application. SaaS is useful if you are in the situation whereby a legacy application you own has been replicated by a SaaS provider or if a particular SaaS application offers a capability that you don’t currently have but can see the business benefi t  of having it. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is one example; many organisations operate without CRM systems as they can be expensive and it is impossible to justify the initial investment. saw the opportunity to bring enterprise-level CRM to the masses via SaaS and has subsequently opened up their own platform,, as part of a PaaS service model.
 Applications like CRM SaaS have enabled organisations to abstract themselves away from the infrastructure headaches, and as a result, they can think more about the actual business workfl o ws that take place. Whilst it would seem that SaaS is all about pre-packaged software, the vendors have realised that consumers should be able to confi g ure these offerings so that the application can be suitably customised to integrate with existing systems. This has led to a new interest in the abstraction of business process management (BPM), whereby organisational units create highlevel process descriptions of their operations, within software that interfaces the process descriptions to an underlying, transactional code base. This offers substantial bene fi ts including:
      No knowledge of the underlying program code is required.
      Process descriptions are closer to the real operations and are easier to derive and communicate between business users.
      Process optimisation and waste identi fi cation is simpli fi ed and easier to implement.
      Process commonality is more visible, and therefore, process reuse is more prominent, both internally within an organisation and outside of the normal process boundaries with suppliers.
      Libraries of process descriptions enables the rapid composition of new processes.
 From a conceptual stance, Business Process as a Service (BPaaS) might be viewed as a fourth layer, above SaaS, but from an architectural perspective, it is clearly a subset of SaaS as Fig.  1.4 illustrates.
 BPaaS creates new opportunities for organisations to exploit the cloud, as the abstraction away from technical and integration issues gives organisations a new way to conduct their business. This topic will be explored more fully in Chap.  10 , which is all about  enterprise cloud computing.

1.13           Issues for Cloud Computing

 As with any new approach or technology, there are limits by which bene fi ts can be realised, and a new way of working may introduce additional risks. Cloud computing is no different in this respect, particularly as the model is still maturing.
 From a consumer’s perspective there is a great deal of focus upon security and trust. Many users are ambivalent about where ‘their’ data is stored, whereas other users (specifi c ally organisations) are more sceptical about delegating the location of the data along with the management processes that go with it. For many smaller organisations, the cloud computing providers will be bringing enterprise-level security to the masses as part of the offering. Most private individuals and small businesses are unaware of the risks of lost data and the adverse impact that it can have upon daily operations. As a consequence, it is likely that they have not put the appropriate security measures in place. In this case, a move towards the cloud can bring real bene fi ts.
H owever, there may be specifi c  legislation that exists to govern the physical location of data; a multi-tenanted public cloud may place your data in a country that is outside the scope of the jurisdiction that you need to comply with. Additionally, the notion of service as a core component of the cloud leads to new service composition from readily available services. The use of third-party services potentially introduces security and privacy risks, which may therefore require an additional auditing overhead if the services are to be successfully and reliably trusted.
 Another concern is that of vendor lock-in. If an organisation utilises IaaS, it may fi n d that the platforms and applications that it builds upon this service cannot be transferred to another cloud computing provider. Similarly, services at PaaS and SaaS can also introduce nonstandard ways of storing and accessing data, making data or application portability problematic.
Q uality of service (QoS) is an issue that many organisations already face either as consumers or providers of services. Whilst cloud computing providers offer
1.13    Issues for Cloud Computing
measurement and monitoring functions for billing, it might be considered incumbent upon consumers to develop their own monitoring mechanisms to inform any future actions.
M uch has been claimed about the potential energy-saving opportunities of organisations moving to the cloud. The ability to pool resources and dynamically manage how these resources are provisioned will of course permit computing resource usage to be more optimised. However, there is an assumption that this occurs at a certain scale, and perhaps less obviously, it is dependent upon the service model required. For instance, an IT department may decide to evaluate the potential of hardware virtualisation as part of a private cloud. The hardware already exists, and the maintenance costs are known. In theory, the more fl e xible provisioning that cloud architectures offer should release some extra compute resources. In terms of any investment in cooling, for example, then better utilisation of the existing hardware will come cheaper than the purchase of additional air-conditioning units.
U nfortunately, it is only through the provision of compute resources on a massive scale that signifi c ant amounts of resource can be redeployed for the benefi t  of others. The private cloud may be able to scavenge extra processor cycles for heavier computational tasks, but storage management may not be that different from that achieved by a storage area network (SAN) architecture. Thus, signifi c ant energy savings can only be realised by using the services of a cloud provider to reduce the presence of physical hardware on premise.
 It follows therefore, that it is the massive data centres who offer SaaS that can maximise scalability whilst signi fi cantly reducing energy usage. For everyone else, energy reduction might not be a primary motivator for adopting a private cloud architecture.
O f course, as organisations move to the cloud, there is a heightened awareness of measures of availability and the  fi nancial impact that a temporary withdrawal of a service might incur. Good practice would suggest that there should be ‘no single point of failure’, and at  fi rst glance a cloud-based system would offer all the resource redundancy that an organisation might want. However, whilst the IaaS, PaaS or SaaS may be built upon a distributed system, the management and governance is based upon one system. If Google or Microsoft went bust, then any reliance upon their comprehensive facilities could be catastrophic. This risk gets greater the higher up the cloud stack that the engagement occurs—if collapsed, then a great deal of an organisation’s business logic would disappear along with the data, all wrapped up in a SaaS application.
S oftware bugs are a major concern for all software development activity, and many instances of ‘undocumented features’ occur only when an application is under signi fi cant load. In the case of a distributed system, it is not always practical to recreate the open environment conditions, so there remains the potential risk that something catastrophic might occur. Hardware virtualisation can be a way of containing the scope of software bugs, but as many SaaS vendors created their offerings before the widespread use of virtualisation, this form of architectural protection cannot be relied upon. This is clearly a case for open architectural standards for cloud architectures to be established.
 As cloud use increases, organisations will place ever-increasing demands that present signifi c ant data transfer bottlenecks. Additionally, the distributed architecture of a cloud application may result in a data transfer that would not have occurred had the application been hosted in one physical space. Even though network speeds are getting faster, in some cases the volume of data to be transferred is so large that it is cheaper and quicker to physically transport media between data centres. Of course this only works for data that is not ‘on demand’ and therefore is relevant when data needs to be exported from one system and imported into another.
W ith regard to the benefi t s of scalability, the case for optimising processor cycles across a vast number of units is clear; processors can be utilised to perform a computation and then returned back to a pool to wait for the next job. However, this does not translate as easily to persistent storage, where in general the requirement just continues to increase. Methods for dealing with storage in a dynamic way, that preserve the performance characteristics expected from an application that queries repositories, have yet to be developed and remain a potential issue for cloud computing going forward.

1.14         Summing Up

C loud computing is a new delivery model for IT that uses established IT resources. The Internet, hardware virtualisation, remote hosting, autonomic computing and resource pooling are all examples of technologies that have existed for some time. But it is how these technologies have been brought together, packaged and delivered as a pay-per-use utility that has established cloud computing as one of the largest disruptive innovations yet in the history of IT. As organisations shift from concentrating on back-of fi ce processes, where transactional records are kept and maintained, towards front-end processes where organisations conduct business with customers and suppliers, new business models of value creation are being developed. There is no doubt that the cloud is fuelling this shift.
 You’ve now had a whistle-stop tour of the exciting world of cloud computing. We have covered a lot, and you will probably have some questions that haven’t been answered yet. The rest of this book explores a number of important areas in more depth, so that by the end you will not only have a broad understanding of cloud computing, but if you have completed the exercises, you’ll be able to implement the technology as well!

1.15         Review Questions

 The answers to these questions can be found in the text of this chapter.
1.   Explain how energy utility provision has informed the emergence of cloud computing.
2.   Brie fl y discuss the differences between cloud computing service models.
3.   Which combination of cloud computing characteristics is the best case for reducing energy consumption?
4.   Explain the similarities between grid and cloud computing.
5.   Describe the different levels of abstraction that cloud providers can offer.

1.16           Extended Study Activities

 These activities require you to research beyond the contents of this book and can be approached individually for the purposes of self-study or used as the basis of group work.
1.   You are a member of a team of IT consultants, who specialise in selling IT s ystems to organisations that have between 100 and 500 staff. Prepare a case for the adoption of cloud computing. Consider the types of IT architecture and systems that might already be in place and whether there are speci fi c business functions made available by cloud computing that an organisation might benefi t  from.
2.   An IT department has decided to investigate the use of cloud computing for application development. What are the issues that they should consider, and how would you advise that they mitigate any risks?


Foster, I., Kesselman, C.: The Grid: Blueprint for a New Computing Infrastructure. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, San Francisco (1999). ISBN 1-55860-475-8
IBM Research: Autonomic Computing. (2012). Last Accessed July 2012
McCarthy, J.: Reminiscences on the History of Time Sharing. Stanford University. (1983)
Parkhill, D.: The Challenge of the Computer Utility. Addison-Wesley, Reading (1966). ISBN

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